
Perhaps all of us have used Microsoft Word version application 1998 - 2003 (must have been and are used), and I'm sure some of you are proficient ... Ever heard the term dong kalo gitu Toolbar. Until the version of Office Word 2003, the authors think there are always three toolbars that appear active in the application alias MS.Word you by default or standard, namely: 1. Standard Toolbar 2. Formatting toolbar 3. Drawing toolbar
still confused which is it?? See the picture below Toolbar in 2003



and following on Ms. Ribbon. Word 2007: Word 2007 Ribbon

if we see in general, so far it looks ... nah but if we are more detail and more closely that there are similarities between the two that has not changed, what come on? okay clay we one by one between 2003 and Ribbon Toolbar 2007. Here's the equation ...
1. There are tools on the Formatting toolbar: font type, font size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Alignment: Left, Right, Center, Justify, and others. These tools are still there anyway in the Home Ribbon in Word 2007.
2. There AutoShapes on the Drawing toolbar, WordArt, ClipArt, etc.. These tools are also on the Insert Ribbon in Word 2007
3. There are tools on the Standard Toolbar: New Document, Save, Open, etc.. Almost the same as in Word 2007 Office Button.
so it simply might be regarded as follows: Standard Toolbar Button = Office Formatting toolbar = Ribbon Home Drawing toolbar = Insert Ribbon
so we will more easily remember it later on, if we need the tools / icons are. survivors learn ya ... hopefully easy to understand so on.

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